Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Biblioteca de Investigaciones

Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans. Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications, The social context network model in psychiatric and neurological diseases, 379-396

Agustín Ibáñez

Enhanced working memory binding by direct electrical stimulation of the parietal cortex, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (online: 8 junio 2017), 9, artículo 2017.00178

Agustín Ibáñez

Men, women…who cares? A population-based study on sex differences and gender roles in empathy and moral cognition,  PLoS One (online: 20 junio 2017), 12, artículo e0179336

Agustín Ibáñez

Towards affordable biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia: A classification study via network, Scientific Reports, 7, artículo 3822

Agustín Ibáñez

Outcome-oriented moral evaluation in terrorists, Nature Human Behaviour, 1, artículo 0118

A core avenue for transcultural research on dementia: on the cross-linguistic generalization of language-related effects in Alzheimer, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (online: 28 marzo 2017), ,

Agustín Ibáñez

The inner world of overactive monitoring: Neural markers of interoception in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Psychological Medicine, 47, 1957-1970

Non-invasive brain stimulation: A new strategy in mild cognitive impairment?, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, artículo 16

Brain structural correlates of executive and social cognition profiles in behavioral variantfrontotemporal dementia and elderly bipolar disorder, Neuropsychologia (online: 17 febrero 2017), ,

Agustín Ibáñez

A lesion-proof brain? Multidimensional sensorimotor, cognitive, and socio-affective preservation despite extensive damage in a stroke patient, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (online: 10 enero 2017), 8, artículo 2016.00335

Action-semantic and syntactic deficits in subjects at risk for Huntington, Journal of Neuropsychology (online: 11 marzo 2017), ,

Processes and verbs of doing, in the brain: Theoretical implications for systemic functional linguistics,  Functions of Language, 23, 305-335

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